【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2020-3-13)


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's

Regular Press Conference on March 13, 2020


According to the latest figures from the NHC, March 12 saw 1,318 patients cured and discharged from hospital in China's mainland, bringing the tally to 64,111.



Q: The second sherpas' meeting of the G20 Riyadh Summit was held yesterday followed by a statement on COVID-19. Do you have any comment?  答:当前,新冠肺炎疫情在全球“大流行”。二十国集团作为国际经济合作主要论坛和全球重要危机应对机制,在加强国际合作、共同战胜疫情方面具有特殊作用。G20协调人在前不久G20财政和央行行长声明基础上,积极沟通协调,求同存异,再次向外界发出团结合作的强烈信号。这有助于增强市场信心,凝聚抗疫合力,具有积极意义。  A: COVID-19 is now a pandemic. As a major international forum for economic cooperation and a mechanism in response to major global crisis, the G20 has special significance in enhancing international cooperation and response against the pandemic. Building on the recent statement of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, the G20 sherpas again send a strong signal of solidarity and cooperation to the world by their collaboration and consensus, which will help boost market confidence and international commitment.

中方积极参与声明起草,为推动发表声明作出贡献。在此,我想强调几点:  China played an active role in the drafting and issuance of the statement. Here I'd like to stress the following three points.

第一,疫情没有国界,齐心协力抗疫是国际社会唯一正确选项。疫情面前,没有国家能够独善其身。惟有秉持多边主义精神和人类命运共同体理念,同舟共济,才能共克时艰。要反对单边主义、相互指责和污名化,为全球合作注入正能量。  First, since the pandemic knows no borders, the only right thing for the world to do is making concerted efforts. No country can keep itself away from the spread of the virus. We must overcome the difficulties together upholding multilateralism and the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind. We must inject positive energy into global cooperation by opposing unilateralism, finger-pointing and stigmatization.

第二,支持G20再次挺身而出,发挥引领作用,团结各方同心抗疫。及时采取一切必要财政、货币、结构性政策工具,从需求和供给两方面发力,加强宏观政策协调,促进世界经济强劲、平衡、可持续和包容增长。  Second, we support the G20 in once again leading international efforts against the pandemic. We must use all necessary fiscal, financial and structural policy tools to coordinate macro-economic policies at both demand and supply sides to promote the strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the world economy.

第三,坚定维护开放型世界经济。各国采取的应对疫情必要措施不可避免影响贸易和投资,但我们要尽力缓解国际贸易紧张关系,取消单边关税举措,共同维护全球产业链和供应链顺畅。  Third, we firmly safeguard an open world economy. Measures taken by countries will inevitably impact trade and investment, but we must do our best to ease tensions in international trade, remove unilateral tariffs and jointly protect global industrial and supply chains from disruptions.

中方愿继续通过G20等多边机制平台,同国际社会携手努力,同心抗疫。相信我们一定能取得最终胜利。  Through the G20 and other multilateral platforms, China will continue working with the international community to fight the epidemics. With the joint efforts of all countries, the victory will be ours.


问:最近有一种说法称,可能是美国军队把新冠病毒带到了武汉。你对此有何评论?   Q: Some say it might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. How do you comment on that?  答:我们注意到,最近一段时间有一些关于新冠病毒源头的讨论。个别美国政府高官和国会议员借此发表种种不实和不负责任的言论,抹黑攻击中国,我们对此坚决反对。  A: In recent days we noticed many discussions on the origin of the COVID-19. We firmly oppose the unfounded and irresponsible comments made by certain high-level US officials and Congress members on this issue to smear and attack China.

事实上,国际社会包括美国国内,对病毒源头问题有不同看法。中方始终认为,这是一个科学问题,需要听取科学和专业的意见。  The fact is, there are different opinions in the US and among the larger international community on the origin of the virus. China believes it's a matter of science which requires professional and science-based assessment.

3  问:我们看到报道,北京市已经宣布向首尔、东京、横滨、德黑兰捐赠防疫物资。你是否了解这些物资何时到位?  Q: We saw reports that Beijing has announced to donate supplies to help Seoul, Tokyo, Yokohama and Tehran fight COVID-19. Do you know when the supplies will be delivered?  答:昨天,北京市外办负责人在新冠疫情防控工作新闻发布会上已经介绍了有关情况。  A: Yesterday officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipality talked about the donation at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control.

据我了解,近段时间,北京市一直就抗击新冠肺炎疫情同首尔、东京、横滨、德黑兰等友好城市保持着密切沟通。当前,这些城市面临着疫情防控的巨大挑战,出现部分防控物资紧张的情况。对此,北京市感同身受,决定在保证本市防控需要的前提下,向上述四个城市捐赠防疫物资,为他们抗击疫情贡献一份力量。经向北京市方面了解,向德黑兰捐赠的防疫物资已经通过伊朗驻华使馆转交,向其他三座城市捐赠的物资也已经备齐,将于近日陆续启运。  I understand Beijing has been in close contact with friendly cities including Seoul, Tokyo, Yokohama and Tehran on COVID-19. At present these cities are facing an overwhelming challenge with strained resources for epidemic response. Beijing relates to their difficulties. It has decided to donate supplies to the four cities while meeting local needs to fight the virus. As we learn from the Beijing municipality, the supplies for Tehran have been delivered through Iran's embassy in China, and the donations for other cities will soon be sent. 

这里我想指出,病毒是人类的共同敌人,疫情没有国界。北京市向有关外国城市捐赠防疫物资是中国地方政府对外提供抗疫援助的一个缩影。近来,上海、山东、浙江、江西、吉林、安徽、江苏、河南等地方政府也都通过各自的友城等渠道对外提供了防疫物资支持。中方愿在继续全力抗击本国疫情的同时,克服自身困难,向有需要的国家提供力所能及的帮助。  I would like to point out that the virus is the common enemy of mankind and the pandemic knows no borders. The donation of prevention and control supplies by the Beijing municipality is the epitome of the assistance Chinese local governments provided to foreign cities. Recently, the local governments of Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jilin, Anhui, Jiangsu and Henan have also provided material support for epidemic prevention and control to foreign countries via their sister cities. China stands ready to provide assistance to the best of its capacity to countries in need while making every effort to combat the epidemic at home.

4  问:据了解,中韩双方今天成立新冠肺炎疫情联防联控合作机制并举行了首次视频会议。中方对此有何评论?  Q: We learned that China and the ROK today established a cooperation mechanism for joint prevention and control against COVID-19, and its first video conference was held. What is China's comment?  答:今天上午,中韩应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控合作机制正式成立并举行首次视频会议。中方已经发布了消息。  A: This morning, the China-ROK cooperation mechanism on joint prevention and control of COVID-19 was formally established and held its first video conference.The Chinese side has released a readout.

新冠肺炎疫情是国际社会面临的严峻挑战。疫情暴发以来,中韩作为近邻休戚与共,互相牵挂声援,提供真诚帮助,充分体现了守望相助、同舟共济的友好情谊。在做好本国疫情防控的同时,两国还加强对口部门之间的交流合作,采取了一系列有效的联防联控措施。在此基础上,针对中韩两国和国际疫情形势的变化,双方成立应对疫情联防联控合作机制,十分及时和必要。这既是落实两国元首重要共识的积极举措,也将为世界各国携手共同抗疫提供参考借鉴。  The COVID-19 outbreak is a severe challenge faced by the international community. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China and the ROK, as close neighbors sharing weal and woe, have shown care for and offered sincere help to each other, which fully demonstrates the friendly sentiments featuring mutual assistance and solidarity. While making epidemic response at home, the two countries have strengthened exchanges and cooperation between departments and adopted a series of effective joint prevention and control measures. On this basis, it is very timely and necessary for China and the ROK to establish a joint prevention and control mechanism in response to latest developments in both countries and beyond. This is not only a positive measure to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, but also serves as a reference for other countries to join hands to fight the epidemic.

今天上午机制举行的首次会议开得高效务实。双方积极评价两国前期疫情防控努力和对口部门交流合作,探讨了下一步加强联防联控合作的重点方向和具体举措,就减少不必要人员流动、严控“四类人员”出境、加强出入境检疫、交流防控指南和诊疗技术、照顾好对方国家留学生和侨民等达成广泛共识。我们希望双方能发挥好这个机制和各部门对口渠道作用,进一步加强沟通协调,统筹开展联防联控,共同早日战胜疫情,增进两国人民健康福祉,维护和促进双边交往与合作。  The first meeting of the mechanism this morning was efficient and results-oriented. Both sides appraised the epidemic response in the two countries and the exchange and cooperation conducted between their corresponding departments earlier, and discussed priorities and specific measures to strengthen joint prevention and control efforts in the next stage. Broad consensus was reached on reducing unnecessary movement of personnel, stricter border control on "four types of people" (confirmed cases, suspected cases, people who have close contact with the former two, and those who have fever), exchange of prevention and control guidelines as well as diagnosis and treatment technology, and taking good care of each other's overseas nationals, including international students. We hope both sides can make good use of this mechanism and the channels between corresponding departments to further strengthen communication and coordination in joint prevention and control endeavors  in a bid to overcome the epidemic at an early date, improve the health and well-being of the two peoples, and maintain and promote bilateral exchanges and cooperation.

5  问:可能是美军把病毒带到武汉的说法是中国政府的立场吗?  Q: Is it the Chinese government's position that it might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan?   答:我刚才已经介绍了中方的立场。  A: I talked about China's position earlier.

国际社会包括美国国内,对病毒源头问题有不同看法。中方始终认为,这是一个科学的问题,需要听取科学和专业的意见。  There are different opinions in the US and among the larger international community on the origin of the virus. China believes it's a matter of science which requires professional and science-based assessment.

6  问:据报道,委内瑞拉总统马杜罗12日表示,美国制裁已严重影响委国内防疫工作,要求美国立即取消对委不公正的非法制裁。同日,美财政部却宣布制裁从事对委油贸的俄罗斯石油公司下属贸易公司TNK Trading International。中方对此有何评论?  Q: Venezuelan President Maduro said on March 12 that US sanctions have severely undermined the country's epidemic containment, asking the US to immediately lift its unjust, illegal sanctions. On the same day, however, the US Department of Treasury announced its decision to sanction TNK Trading International, subsidiary of a Russian oil company that trades oil with Venezuela. Do you have any comment?  答:众所周知,美国对委内瑞拉制裁严重恶化了委内瑞拉经济民生状况,导致了委内瑞拉民众就医难等问题日益突出。在当前各国政府和人民共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情的关键时刻,美方却一意孤行,继续对委挥舞制裁大棒,有违最起码的人道精神。  A: It is known to all that the US sanctions on Venezuela have severely worsened the country's economy and people's life, making medical accessibility and other domestic issues more prominent. At this critical juncture where all governments and people across the world are fighting the pandemic, the US is still stubborn in sanctioning Venezuela, showing not the least respect for humanitarianism.

中方一直呼吁通过对话尽快和平解决委内瑞拉问题,为委内瑞拉的正常发展创造条件,我们反对干涉别国内政,反对单边制裁和所谓的“长臂管辖”。我们呼吁美国与国际社会相向而行,尽早停止干涉委内瑞拉内政、取消单边制裁,以利于委内瑞拉的和平、稳定与发展。  China has been calling for peaceful resolution of the Venezuelan issue through dialogue, as well as conditions for the country's normal development. We oppose foreign interference, unilateral sanctions and so-called long-arm jurisdictions. We call on the US to join international efforts, stop interfering in Venezuela's internal affairs and remove unilateral sanctions at the earliest time possible, which will contribute to Venezuela's peace, stability and development.



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